Thursday, September 14, 2023

On The Road With Al and Ivy: September 2023 Compilation Issue

How Will A.I. Change Art? Part 1-3
Preview: Second Edition of "Knee Deep In Glory"
Preview: On The Road With Al & Ivy: The Journal Entries (2016-2018)

Note: This series is published as The Space Age Oracle on X

Part 1: How Will A.I. Change Art?

The legal battles raging between Hollywood and upper-level writers and artists are a different battle than what you and I are probably concerned with. Whether or not they get compensation isn't going to benefit most of the artistic community selling stuff on Etsy or eBay, indie music, etc.

For example, do you want a new front room? Don't hire a designer; have the A.I. program give you hundreds of ideas within the budget and where to get the items (or even order for you). Are you a young filmmaker who needs a soundtrack? Just feed the program your script (written by A.I.) and have it create the perfect music.

Now the Talking Heads of Tech will thump their chests and proclaim that the software will have proper safeguards, and only regulated copies will be allowed, abuse will be minimal, and so on. This is the type of spin we all heard when people had concerns about online banking.

The legal issues will be straightened out, mainstream companies will follow the law, and copyright issues will be settled, at least to the satisfaction of businesses and the upper tier of artists. Even upper-tier artists who get compensated will find that their audiences might shrink once people can have A.I. give them similar art.

Most of the art we buy is street level. Most of us can't afford Picassos or have Taylor Swift sing at a wedding. You have a budget, and there's generally an artist that can do the job. Aspiring artists need these levels. That's where all of them get their start on the way to hopefully becoming a star.

So far, much of the press has been from analyst opinions, artists, and A.I. companies. The opinion that counts is those of future customers. What do they think about A.I., and what would they do with it? The opinion leaders have put out a lot of speculation and scare stories about killer bots. Still, some smarter ones say the uncomfortable truth: that the customers will replace human beings. Not maybe, but as soon as the A.I. can do it.

As far as the good? 

Despite complaints about spell and grammar checks, writers have benefitted from it at the expense of editing companies. Almost all indie book covers are designed by artists using software that automates design and execution at the expense of artists who work on canvas and paper. Indies use a variety of software to create and distribute art and market it at the expense of many designers, copywriters, sound engineers, producers, and so on.

Or...would these Indies even exist if they had to pay that considerable support structure?

We know the harm A.I. can do to the art community. The question is, will it create the same opportunity it did for Indies in the last few years? 

In other words, can it lead to an explosion of new artists like Indie writers after Amazon KDP and software made it possible to become a published writer without the expensive approval and support structure?

Is what we think is art changing, and is A.I. part of that?

I've said in past blog entries that technology drives much of the change in art. I'm hardly the first and won't be the last to say it. Rock and roll would have been different without electric guitars, as with the 80s without electronic keyboards and synthesizers. Those instruments allowed artists to create new sounds, primarily for young, upcoming artists.

In other words, is the fight over A.I. actually a struggle by old-school artists and sensibilities about change? Is A.I. a new technology that will be embraced by a young generation already going full blast on social media, and will it be their electric guitar or home computer?

Part 2: How Will A.I. Change Art?

Note: I'm sure you'll notice this series isn't a structured article delivered in parts. I'm exploring the subject like many others are.

The problem with A.I. "scraping" isn't that the output is derivative. Humans scrape all the time. The entire education process is based on studying data, sound, and images already created.

The problem of counterfeit books, like those that purported to be written by authors such as Jane Freidman, which were recently taken down off Amazon, is the age-old problem of bootlegging rearing its head again.The Rock Music Industry is a good example. The first known rock bootleg is said to have been "The Great White Wonder," a collection of demos by Bob Dylan and the Band, which was released later as "The Basement Tapes." There's a lot of history to that bootleg, and it's worth researching on the Internet, but I'll stick to the narrower point of it being the quasi-official start of that illegal Industry.

The early vinyl bootlegs tended to be a limited release, as even with some pressing equipment becoming more accessible, most had to be slipped through a legitimate pressing plant under a fake title. Bootlegging was always a corruption issue, also. Tape and, later on, C.D.s made the process of stealing music easier, as anybody could buy the equipment, and in the present, digital recording has automated the process so a bootleg can be easily distributed worldwide, virtually without cost.

In the case of A.I.-generated art, it's not as simple as being a mean old computer app that steals stuff. It's a tool, and any unethical use is due to humans with the same mentality as bootleggers.The music bootleg was a product that enabled the seller to skip the stages (and expense) of creation, performance, and manufacture.

Almost every artist starts off as a beginner, which generally means studying and being influenced by previous works. Thanks to the sources like the  Internet and mass media (and not because of it), that process produces results that can be seen as original, derivative, or copies and identified as such.

An example would be music. A group like Fleetwood Mac started as a Blues group, developed a style of its own, then went through stages to become major rock and pop stars. 

A.I. not only has the potential to steal a lot of the established chain of talent to produce art but adds the troubling dimension of assimilating lesser-known work. As said in previous entries, the latter can derail the careers of new artists who find their efforts incorporated into an A.I. work.

One could say that A.I. could steal much of an artistic genre's future and be a boon to bootleggers. The potential for exploitation is immense as no matter what anyone says, A.I. is a product of human labor and talent (and greed).

As a matter of disclosure, some of you might wonder why I've moved my blog to X. I moved it due to the controversy over Elon Musk and Reddit limiting access to the API by A.I. companies.

Many here may not like Musk, but the body of my work is at least a little safer from scraping on a site that limits access, and while not perfect, the process of restricting access via restrictions and cost is on the right side of the debate on A.I. scraping.

The issue is complex, and there will be a lot of discussion, so my opinions here are only one voice in the debate.

I think the current generation of new artists will use A.I. more and more and will have to navigate the intricate web of laws and entrenched attitudes to find their potential. Every new technology has and will be abused, but has resulted in new art or advances a genre into a new future.

In part 3, I'll talk about new art forms created by social networks like Tik Tok and YouTube, which are rooted in the older television age.

Part 3: New Art Forms

I talked about new art forms that could emerge from the new A.I. era, and honestly, I don't know what that will be. 

If I did, I'd probably be wrong, looking in the wrong direction, mistaken for a press agent trying to hype an artist or an egotistical self-promoter if I'm talking about my art (which is permissible under the sacred commandments of selling art to the public).

When the first Cave Persons saw a stick and colored clay, it didn't occur to them that drawing and painting could evolve from those objects. 

However, there is a way to see where that new art may come from and who will do it.

One way is to remember the 60s. Uh, that is if you're a Boomer. The rest of you will know it as "ancient times."

At first, the mainstream called boomer music "hippie music," "noise," drug music," and the musicians and fans described as "stoned dirty and smelly long-haired freaks." The Boomers returned the compliment by calling their elders "the establishment," "warmongers," and "hypocrites" and declared that they had no interest in "becoming part of the system," at least until they got past draft age and had to start paying bills.

This cycle repeated when Boomer artists became rich and famous and began to trash-talk Punk and Disco, whose adherents were happy to return the favor. Life is a circle, as they say. So, one clue as to where the next generation of artists who'll create new art forms is to find a group or subculture that the mainstream depicts as young idiots engaging in silly or antisocial antics that make sensible adults shake their heads.

Well, we don't need to look any further than our smartphones, which is good because we hate having to look up from our screens.

One of the places where new art is coming from is social media, particularly sites like TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, or wherever the young hang out. They enjoy the requisite disdain of their elders, so it's a promising area to look.

From an artist's perspective, plenty of interesting stuff is going on.

One form that's emerged is the 15-second video, or "short." That's been around for decades in advertising but is now a staple in social media and relatively new. It bears watching where it can go (or not; it may already be mainstream and boring). As an old fart, my impression is that it's sort of a modern offshoot of photography. It's a captured moment but in live motion. The aesthetics are similar, though I'm sure some photographers might disagree.

I'll go more into social media forms in a later entry, but there's a more controversial example of media that A.I. is revolutionizing, and it's creating the same combination of anger, fear, concern, and controversy that rock and roll and Punk did in their early stages.

I'm talking about "deep-fakes," which have enormous potential and capability to harm, present possibilities that could upend media industries like Hollywood, are already being used in legitimate and illegal projects, and are very controversial.

The concept of deep fakes has been around for centuries, but A.I. appears to be taking it to a new level of potential and fearsome abuse. However, there's no question that it'll be part of the media and the artistic scene now and in the future. There's an adage that the press is generally late in covering a new trend or phenomenon, so it's safe to assume that what we see and hear about deep fakes isn't the cutting edge.

It's a complex subject, so I'll devote an entire entry or two to it in future entries.


Preview: Second Edition of "Knee Deep In Glory" (now available on KU)

The first edition was published on Kindle Vella as "Knee Deep In Glory: Vol. 1 - Demystifying Military History," which was a good title for that site but too wordy for an eBook cover.

That edition is still on Vella, and I'll review it and make corrections soon (the first three episodes are free, and it has a complete listing of the chapters ).

The Vella description was "Observations and meditations on warfare and historical battles from a skeptical and contrarian Armchair General. The episodes reflect the author's opinion and should be treated as such by those who disagree. It's one view among many, intended to be informative, thought-provoking, and amusing for the average reader."

As a teen, I loved to read history books and found that military capability determined the fate of most civilizations—wars created and destroyed most nations. Any study of history without that element is incomplete.

There's no need for everyone to become an armchair general. Still, when the taxpayers leave military matters to the Pentagon, politicians, and experts, the downside is taxpayers often allow billions to be spent on weapon systems that don't work as advertised or not at all.

The argument that it's best to leave such things to experts is silly; the taxpayers are on the hook for the cost, and they or their children will have to fight and die in future Wars. Most people have the intelligence to understand why the country needs this or that weapon system, and they have a right to know why any war is necessary. That especially goes for ones started without public debate and declaration of war.

Vietnam and Afghanistan were started by Presidents using their "War Powers," but the soldiers sent to fight certainly knew they were in a War.

There's another effect that ignorance creates; most people will end up trusting the word and expertise of leaders and experts, which is essentially a "Pro Management" attitude and can result in soldiers getting overworked with an increased rate of mental illness and suicide. In World War One, that decline in morale and mental health was called "war rot," where exhausted and worn down soldiers developed "shell shock" and sometimes inflicted wounds on themselves to escape the front.

The modern attitude of thanking service members for their service is laudable, but it would be even better if citizens also regularly asked leadership if the precious resource of youth and courage is being used wisely. Most soldiers rejoin society and are essential to the nation's future. There must always be a good reason to put them in harm's way, and if so, with the proper equipment.

So, does this book address all of the issues above?

In some cases, yes, and other parts are more for history buffs and people who'd like to get what amounts to a primer on some aspects.

The book is only subtly topical, though I make some preliminary comments on the war in Ukraine. I'll talk about more current subjects in Volume Two, starting on Vella sometime this Fall. Reading this book will give the average reader an entertaining glimpse into the world that people like me inhabit; a complete picture of what is happening in the world and not just what we're told is happening.

The United States was born after a violent revolution, survived a major test with a Civil War, and has fought wars since. A future war may diminish or end this Democracy, so knowing some Military History is essential.

However, read and decide for yourself. My only hope is that you read it. I can live with the result.

- Al Handa

Preview: On The Road With Al & Ivy: The Anthology Vol. 1 (2016-2018). Work has begun on the revised Second Edition due out in 2024 and upcoming excerpts on this timeline and in Subscription Section. First excerpt is right after this introduction.

When On The Road With Al & Ivy Vol 1 was published, it was made clear that it was a compilation of Blog entries that were sometimes written weeks apart. 

I did say that the second edition would incorporate other written entries from social media and GoFundMe entries, which would fill in the gaps between the blog entries and provide a sense of what daily life was like for a homeless person. That took a while to collect.

The format will be simple; the original text with the date and then commentary to add details and context. If it relates to a blog entry in the eBook, I'll add the reference to look it up on KU. These pieces, which will be in the revised eBook, will have the working title of On The Road With Al & Ivy: The Journal Entries.

On The Road With Al & Ivy: The Journal Entries (2016-2018)


The Journal Entries begin on June 25, 2016. The format will have the actual post as an attachment, and each will have commentary for extra detail and context. The title and book cover used are for this series. The cover will actually be a new design when it officially comes out as the Second Edition.

The posts were on Facebook or GoFundMe, but I've removed the headings. Each has the date in large red text so I could recognize each image in the various apps used To edit. There’ll be some redacting in future posts for legal reasons.

On The Road With Al & Ivy: The Journal Entries (2016-2018): June 30, 2016

Intro to June 30 Entry:

This is the second installment of three that'll be published on this timeline. After the third, the series will continue in the Subscription section.

The Entry is an attached image file like before. What follows here is my additional commentary.

June 30 was a good day with some hope. I was hired for a job on the night shift, which made it possible to safely leave Ivy alone in the car (with other homeless in vehicles keeping an eye on her). I thought that it was a good first step, and it was.

Note: I've redacted the business name and will do it on any word or term that would identify it or the exact location of these incidents.

I didn't realize that several other homeless around me already worked in retail, some for years, and didn't earn enough to get into an apartment because of the low vacancy rate and the real estate boom in this region. Even more importantly, I didn't realize that even if the Night Manager knew I was homeless, that didn't mean upper management would treat me differently.

What I found out later was almost all of the others who worked had to keep their situation a secret. Many had been fired from previous jobs as soon as it became known or soon after. The usual perception is that many companies are eager to hire people experiencing homelessness. It's more complicated than that.

I would soon find out that the official company policy of being accepting of people without housing didn't mean much to the upper management of this business, but that will be covered in later Journal entries.

The last sentence was the actual situation; buying a new key didn't work. That meant that the problem could be the electronic ignition, which, even on an old Cadillac, was costly to replace.

The Entry was short because the car wasn't running. There was no way to recharge the old iPhone used to type out these entries (my phone was smaller and only turned on if I needed to make a call). Donations had come in, but other than some food for Ivy and me, I didn't dare spend it because there was a future repair bill that would possibly be a lot more than I had at the time.

However, on this day, getting any job was good news. The effect of even a little hope couldn't be underestimated. It was devastating when things completely fell apart over the following two weeks, but hope kept me mentally strong enough not to give up because of days like this, I could tell myself that wins were still possible.

That doesn't mean there was a Hollywood-style scene where I stood up and shouted to the Heavens that the fight wasn't over yet. By the following Journal entry in July, it was evident that I was in profound trouble.

- Al Handa
   August 4, 2023

Here's info on some of my Vella books:

The Quitters

I, Ivy

The Forbidden Lost Gospels Of Murgatroyde

The Boogie Underground Think Tank: How To Survive The End Of Civilization

The Adventures Of Queen Khleopahtra: Ruler Of Egypt, Time Traveler, and Literary Detective

Please check out and listen to my music on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music and other music sites. Please add any cuts you like to your playlists!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Space Age Oracle: Cancel Culture And Witch Trials Part 2

The Space Age Oracle: Cancel Culture And Witch Trials Part 2 

(Note: Essay could contain triggers for some)

There's been a controversy on TikTok and other media about a woman who made a video about being assaulted with a brick by a man because she refused to give her phone number, adding that a group of men stood by and watched without intervening. That's a story where details are still coming out, with many different views, so I won't try to summarize those. Those interested should research it, see the wide range of opinions, and decide for yourself. 

However, I refer to it later in this essay because it's a good example of the difference between the legal system and social justice, which always contains the seeds of cancel culture.

The Internet didn't create cancel culture; it's always been around. All it's done is expand peer, village, or community control to a broader audience of like-minded people.

The social sphere is rarely controlled by law because it includes religion or control of social conduct. An extreme example would be in the old days when a man couldn't assault a woman in public, but if she was his wife, it was OK in private.

I'm talking about that grey zone between the law and social mores or customs, where Churches, political groups, or mobs can inflict punishments or apply pressure to enforce codes of behavior not covered by the law. That's a perfect "sweet spot" or breeding ground for witch hunts and cancel culture. 

There won't be one single opinion that'll get somebody canceled or persecuted. You can credit the Internet for that; mass communication has made it possible to form virtual communities that can or will do what a medieval village did to a Karen, witch, or heretic for various reasons.

Also, the image of a witch hunt resulting in a burning at the stake is a simplification. In ancient times, the punishment for heresy and even witchcraft could range from a fine and penance, public shaming, shunning, torture, beating by a mob or no protection from it, enslavement, harassment, blackmail, exile, excommunication, and, of course, a public trial and hanging.

The Halloween type image of witches being tried and executed is popular for at least one reason: it distracts from the reality that a textbook witch hunt can target people for a variety of reasons, utilizes a large palette of procedures and punishments not covered by law, and often is an unvetted, exercise of power against an individual or smaller (weaker) group.

Regarding the argument raging on TikTok over the brick incident, that's not a witch hunt or canceling taking place (as yet). As they say, "Democracy isn't a beauty contest," and as long as there's open discourse, the First Amendment is working. It's healthy that all the points of view are expressed.

The same difference between the law and social behavior applies to the "brick" incident on social media like TikTok and mainstream media.

The law will look strictly at the charge of an assault on a woman. Many discussions will surround it, but the legal machinery will only be technically interested in whether the assault occurred and whether it was self-defense.

In the social sphere, the explanations will encompass a wide array of symbolism, political beliefs, feminism, traditionalism, bias, religion, racial politics, and conflicting theories governing male and female conduct.

The discussion can lead to canceling if the issue becomes a judgment on the victim and whether she deserved it. The law won't (or shouldn't) consider that. However, society can and sometimes will treat such an assault as just punishment and double down by adding blame, shame, and ostracizing her.

The sequence that leads to a witch hunt or canceling can be like an airline disaster, a series of more minor failures or problems that cascade into a crash. It can also occur when a mob forms, with known psychologies and types of personalities involved.

In Part 3, I'll talk about Modern Feminism and how witch hunts and cancel culture are common ways to attack it.

- A Handa

Saturday, August 26, 2023

On The Road With Al & Ivy: New Vella Series


New Vella Series: Literature's Greatest Hits

I'm giving this a low key start, with two free episodes loaded. One is a combination of essays about Hermann Hesse and Marcel Proust, featuring a comparison of a tech outlook and human inspiration.

The second is the full version of an examination of Tom Wolfe's opening chapter for Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test and writers can learn from it.

Future episodes will examine English translations of Native American literature and stories, where free form novels really came from, and other topics.

These are free so please check these essays out.

- Al Handa

#LiteraturePosts #Proust #tomwolfe #hermannhesse #steppenwolf #electrickoolaidacidtest

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Delta Snake Review: September 2023

- How Will A.I. Really Change Art? Part One
- At The Movies: Cromwell (1970) And The Nature Of Violent Revolutions
How To Find The Perfect Headphones - Part 1
The National instrument of Madagascar 

How Will A.I. Really Change Art? Part One

Note: This was hoping to be another Vella nonfiction book but I decided to run a few of the pieces here then continue it in the Subscriber section.

The legal battles raging between Hollywood and upper-level writers and artists are a different battle than what you and I are probably concerned with. 

Whether or not they get compensation isn't going to benefit most of the artistic community selling stuff on Etsy or eBay, indie music, etc.

For example, do you want a new front room? Don't hire a designer; have the A.I. program give you hundreds of ideas within the budget and where to get the items (or even order for you).

Are you a young filmmaker who needs a soundtrack? Just feed the program your script (written by A.I.) and have it create the perfect music.

Now the Talking Heads of Tech will thump their chests and proclaim that the software will have proper safeguards, and only regulated copies will be allowed, abuse will be minimal, and so on. This is the type of spin we all heard when people had concerns about online banking.

The legal issues will be straightened out, mainstream companies will follow the law, and copyright issues will be settled, at least to the satisfaction of businesses and the upper tier of artists.

Even upper-tier artists who get compensated will find that their audiences might shrink once people can have A.I. give them similar art.

Most of the art we buy is street level. Most of us can't afford Picassos or have Taylor Swift sing at a wedding. You have a budget, and there's generally an artist that can do the job.

Aspiring artists need these levels. That's where all of them get their start on the way to hopefully becoming a star.

So far, much of the press has been from analyst opinions, artists, and A.I. companies. The opinion that counts is those of future customers. What do they think about A.I., and what would they do with it? 

The opinion leaders have put out a lot of speculation and scare stories about killer bots. Still, some smarter ones say the uncomfortable truth: that the customers will replace human beings. Not maybe, but as soon as the A.I. can do it.

As far as the good? 

Despite complaints about spell and grammar checks, writers have benefitted from it at the expense of editing companies.

Almost all indie book covers are designed by artists using software that automates design and execution at the expense of artists who work on canvas and paper.

Indies use a variety of software to create and distribute art and market it at the expense of many designers, copywriters, sound engineers, producers, and so on.

Or...would these Indies even exist if they had to pay that considerable support structure?

We know the harm A.I. can do to the art community. The question is, will it create the same opportunity it did for Indies in the last few years? 

In other words, can it lead to an explosion of new artists like Indie writers after Amazon KDP and software made it possible to become a published writer without the expensive approval and support structure?

Is what we think is art changing, and is A.I. part of that?

I've said in past blog entries that technology drives much of the change in art. I'm hardly the first and won't be the last to say it.

Rock and roll would have been different without electric guitars, as with the 80s without electronic keyboards and synthesizers. Those instruments allowed artists to create new sounds, primarily for young, upcoming artists.

In other words, is the fight over A.I. actually a struggle by old-school artists and sensibilities about change? Is A.I. a new technology that will be embraced by a young generation already going full blast on social media, and will it be their electric guitar or home computer?

I have ideas about that and will discuss them in part 2.

At The Movies: Cromwell (1970) And The Nature Of Violent Revolutions 

The Coronation of King Charles was a joyous occasion for Monarchists and, indeed, for those who long for the days when the nobility is abolished and rank properly determined by levels of wealth like in the United States. 

Such festivities give anti-monarchists a voice in the English media who love everything royalty, especially if they smell blood. Thanks to social media, new stars are born, like Penny Mordaunt, a Tory Boudica in the Coronation ceremony who wore an outfit that even wowed some in the Labour Party. Talk about a bridge between parties!

I'm oversimplifying, of course, but my description is adequate for the purposes of this essay.

The movie "Cromwell," starring Richard Harris and Alec Guinness, was on movie sites, and being in a festive Royal mood, I watched it. Most reviewers rate it as inaccurate and so-so, which makes it like 99% of historical films. It was about the English Civil War between the King and Parliament in 1642.

I enjoy watching English actors chewing up the scenery in historical costumes, so whether critics like it or not is irrelevant.

To an American who's puzzled as to why Britain still has a monarch, reading about the rise and fall of Cromwell explains it. What happened (sorta) in the movie is why most Western Countries keep the military under civilian control.

Oliver Cromwell was a Puritan Squire who became the leader of the Parliamentary Army, known as "The New Model," who defeated the King's forces and became Dictator. His tenure was so unpopular that England restored the Monarchy after his death.

Scholars and intellectuals cite Cromwell as why the Military or Church should never run a country. It also illustrates a point about revolutions, which are generally seen as a glamorous fight against oppression.

Violent revolutionaries often destroy the system they're trying to protect or restore. It doesn't matter if they claim it's about freedom; the new reality is that power is up for grabs (i.e., might make right).

That's why many revolutionary governments become oppressors. If they can do it, so can anyone else. The French and Russian revolutions ended up with an Emperor or Dictator to consolidate power.

You see the change from revolution to military rule in the movie (though it's whitewashed). Cromwell, played by Richard Harris, becomes exasperated by Parliament, which keeps extending its term of office (Congress would love that), and uses the Army to impose what he thinks is the original aim of the revolution.

The English Civil War was about ending the King's power, but as the movie shows, a violent revolution can lose its way when there's only one rule: force.

Regarding the movie, there's only one rule; is it entertaining? In my case, I've seen it several times. The facts are slightly off, but the look and feel are spot on.
-Al Handa 5/11/23

How To Find The Perfect Headphones - Part 1

Sample description: The right pair of headphones will enrich your musical listening experience and lead to endless rediscovery of heretofore buried joy in your beloved music collection.

As you can see, reviews aren't just reviews. You must consider who the writer is, what they know, their agenda, and from what personal experience the information comes from (if any).

This guide should be useful for finding the right pair of headphones. It may just cause more confusion, but if so, as a dedicated Blogger, you can trust that I'll feel bad about it and not remind people that there's a First Amendment.

I think the best way to present this with the least amount of words is as a step-by-step guide. 

Step One: Decide how much you want to spend. There's good stuff in every price range, so stick to your budget. 

The headphones companies just want your money and happily provide gear at every price tier, complete with experts saying it's "great for the price" or "an unbelievable value."  

For example, let's say your budget is ten dollars. No need to be embarrassed about such a small amount, even in America. My backpack spare is a cheap 15.00 set purchased during a Christmas Sale for 9.99.

A spare might be unnecessary if a two-hundred-dollar set gets lost or stolen. People rarely feel like popping in a cheap backup after such a loss. I would, but I'm a music nut.

Your spare should actually be the set taken outside, but there are compelling reasons for having premium cans on your ears while on the go.

That leads to Step Two: Get new headphones designed for the intended use or environment. If you're only going to listen at home while sitting in a chair, forget Bluetooth or any wireless. 

Wired headphones outperform wireless in every price range, and that's the only way to go in the recording studio.

The reason is that music is sorta kinda maybe analog information transferred to digital and has to travel a path to your earphones. A cable transmits the data best as it has the more bandwidth than a wireless signal. 

That said, let's say you want headphones for on-the-go activities; then wireless is an option. You'll give up some sound quality, but that happens once you leave the chair.

Street traffic sounds, for example, are in a frequency range that'll make the midrange and top end disappear and the music can sound tinny. In other words, outside sounds become part of the music.

You can sorta get around that by turning up the volume or wearing a tighter set (or earbuds that block more noise out), but overall music will still sound harsh or thin. That won’t be a problem with audiobooks, of course.

Street sounds can be overpowered by cranking up, the ear space mechanically isolated with tighter cans (the part over your ear), or electronically with noise canceling, but safety comes into play. You can become unaware of your surroundings.

But before you do step two, there's one major factor you have to consider: headphones are conduits that deliver the sound that hardware and software produce. 

If you don't look at that factor first, there's a chance you'll buy more headphone capability than you need. In fact, the right software can make your old headset sound like a more expensive model. 

It's not like the 90s; in 2023, even an inexpensive phone or mp3 player can deliver at least 75% of the desired sound quality if correctly set up. 

I'll cover that in part 2.

The National instrument of Madagascar 

About a month ago, I stopped by an antique store to check out its book section and spotted a Madagascar Valiah on a table with other items. 

The Valiah is considered the national instrument of that African island and is generally described as a zither built around a bamboo tube (see the attached picture). However, it's played like a harp or lyre, so calling it a zither isn't accurate (to me, anyway).

I could tell it was an economy model, but it was intact and playable, and I was always in the market for one, so after some haggling became the harp's new owner.

These things are pretty cool looking, so somebody probably would have bought it for a display, but I feel that even the cheapest instrument deserves to be played, not hung on a wall. 

I'll need to replace the little bridge pieces with better quality wood, at least banjo grade, but other than that, it's ready to go.

I recently uploaded a video short for "Madagascar Summer," it's one of three African numbers that Handa-McGraw International has recorded.

The Madagascar number is one of the most personal because African music drew me back into playing music after spending most of the 80s and 90s writing.

I took a chance on a record by a Madagascar artist named D'Gary and was impressed with his guitar playing. Oddly enough, the first instruments in my new collection were percussion, but I got an old friend, Mark McGraw, to work up a guitar part that was in D'Gary's style and became the Madagascar Summer instrumental.

Justin Vali was another artist from that island, and his specialty was the Valiah and the larger rectangle-shaped Box Harp. I've always liked the various styles of harp music, so his music was an instant hit with me.

That's why I immediately recognized the Valiah in the store (but acted dumb; otherwise, the price would have been less flexible) and made it a point to get it. 

I'll probably never see Madagascar, but musically, I've visited it several times, and I'm sure my new Valiah will take me back there again.

Here's a link to one of many Valiah videos on YouTube. Also, check out D'Gary and Justin Vali. I'll do a piece on Madagascar music sometime in the future, but those two are good examples of that genre.

 "Liva's Valiha / Ilay tany nihaviana (Feom-baliha)"

On The Road With Al And Ivy: A Literary Homeless Chronicle - Aug. 10, 2023

Update: On The Road With Al & Ivy: The Anthology Vol. 1 (2016-2018). Work on the revised Second Edition due out in 2024 and upcoming excerpts on X in my X (aka Twitter) Subscription Section. 

When On The Road With Al & Ivy Vol 1 was published, it was made clear that it was a compilation of Blog entries that were sometimes written weeks apart. 

In other words, it was a collection of writings during the period that showed my state of mind and what I saw but wasn't a chronological narrative.

I did say that the second edition would incorporate other written entries from social media and GoFundMe entries, which would fill in the gaps between the blog entries and provide a sense of what daily life was like for a homeless person. That took a while to collect.

I began work on the newly revised eBook last month but have decided that it would be interesting and fun to do it as Kindle Vella style in episodes in the X Subscriber Section. Some of the first completed pieces will be run on my regular X timeline for free.

One reason is that there are different ways to incorporate the additional material, and I'd like to try a format that combines the original text with commentary. I hadn't intended to add the latter but reader comments for the current eBook show that continuity is a concern, and after reflection, I've realized that they're right.

The format will be simple; the original text with the date and then commentary to add details and context. If it relates to a blog entry in the eBook, I'll add the reference to look it up on KU.

These pieces, which will be in the revised eBook, will have the working title of On The Road With Al & Ivy: The Journal Entries, and I'll use the current book cover as the attached pic.

That might seem like a lot of preliminary detail, but I've set my subscription timeline to show a preview of each item. Having descriptive and standard titles lets those checking out these entries better understand what's there.

The first couple of entries are below with cropped images of the social media entries which should be interesting reading with the commentary.

I think it is relevant also, as the homeless problem seems to have gotten worse, not better, and the discussion in the media has moved more towards depicting people experiencing homelessness as a single entity or headline. 

My book was intended to be "a face," and I think adding detail will make it more so. The body of data could use more "ordinary" stories to give the problem a more human face.

There's a lot of homeless struggling to survive, not just waiting around for help or taking drugs, and while not entirely overlooked, most of the attention is on the media images.

The eBook is still on KU and can be read for free by members. I'll try to schedule a free week soon, also.

- Al Handa
X: @alhanda (Boogie Underground Media)

On The Road With Al & Ivy: The Journal Entries (2016-2018)


The Journal Entries begin on June 25, 2016. The format will have the actual post as an attachment, and each will have commentary for extra detail and context. The title and book cover used are for this series. The cover will actually be a new design when it officially comes out as the Second Edition.

The posts were on Facebook or GoFundMe, but I've removed the headings. Each has the date in large red text so I could recognize each image in the various apps used To edit. There’ll be some redacting in future posts for legal reasons.

The first entry is short and almost innocuous because I was in shock and reluctant to talk about my situation. 

I became homeless in March, and the money had run out after a few months. A lot of things had happened, and by this date was suffering occasional hallucinations from sleep deprivation, so I was cautious in tone and trying not to come off as unhinged or panicked in my post.

The car had just died the night before, and the best advice I got from the other homeless was that replacing it was a good thing to try first since it used an electronic key. 

The reference to "3.7 miles" was the walking distance to the Cadillac dealership, and my statement about walking two miles a day wasn't about simply wanting to stay in shape. My prescription for high blood pressure meds had run out a month earlier, and the only thing I could think of to replace it in the short term was to exercise every day. 

I had to carry Ivy for most of the two-mile distance because the average temperature in that area was 90 degrees. She couldn't walk further than a hundred yards in that heat. It was hard carrying a twelve-pound dog and backpack, but I figured the more strenuous the workout, the better.

The reference to UB40, specifically the one led by Ali Campbell, is because the admins of their fan site saw my posts and urged fans to support me. Also, my thanks to Twitter (and Facebook) users were because they, many of whom still follow my account, were helping the best they could.

Without that support, I'm unsure how things would have gone two weeks after my situation became critical. By the time of the first blog entry (in the eBook) on July 30, I was stuck on a side street with a dead car.

On June 25, I had a car that had just stopped running, and I didn't know if the problem was severe. After observing the homeless scene for a few months, I knew my situation would worsen without a running car, which it did by the next post on June 30.

- Al Handa 

Note: These entries are working up towards the first chapter in the eBook "On The Road With Al & Ivy: The Anthology Vol. 1 (2016-2018) on Kindle Unlimited," which begins on July 30, 2016. I'll run at least three before the series moves into the Subscription section. Also, some of the incidents I’m describing are alluded to in the novel version on Kindle Vella.

On The Road With Al & Ivy: The Journal Entries (2016-2018): June 30, 2016 (2nd of 3)

Note: These pieces are part of the Second Edition of "On The Road With Al & Ivy: The Anthology Vol. 1 (2016-2018)," due in 2024, and are published here under the working title of The Journal Entries. There's a complete explanation of the project in an early posting.

Intro to June 30 Entry:

This is the second installment of three that'll be published on this timeline. After the third, the series will continue in the Subscription section.

The Entry is an attached image file like before. What follows here is my commentary.

June 30 was a good day with some hope. I was hired for a job on the night shift, which made it possible to safely leave Ivy alone in the car (with other homeless in vehicles keeping an eye on her). I thought that it was a good first step, and it was.

Note: I've redacted the business name and will do it on any word or term that would identify it or the exact location of these incidents.

I didn't realize that several other homeless around me already worked in retail, some for years, and didn't earn enough to get into an apartment because of the low vacancy rate and the real estate boom in this region. 

Even more importantly, I didn't realize that even if the Night Manager knew I was homeless, that didn't mean upper management would treat me differently.

What I found out later was almost all of the others who worked had to keep their situation a secret. Many had been fired from previous jobs as soon as it became known or soon after. The usual perception is that many companies are eager to hire people experiencing homelessness. It's more complicated than that.

I would soon find out that the official company policy of being accepting of people without housing didn't mean much to the upper management of this business, but that will be covered in later Journal entries.

The last sentence was the actual situation; buying a new key didn't work. That meant that the problem could be the electronic ignition, which, even on an old Cadillac, was costly to replace.

The Entry was short because the car wasn't running. There was no way to recharge the old iPhone used to type out these entries (my phone was smaller and only turned on if I needed to make a call). Donations had come in, but other than some food for Ivy and me, I didn't dare spend it because there was a future repair bill that would possibly be a lot more than I had at the time.

However, on this day, getting any job was good news. The effect of even a little hope couldn't be underestimated. It was devastating when things completely fell apart over the following two weeks, but hope kept me mentally strong enough not to give up because of days like this, I could tell myself that wins were still possible.

That doesn't mean there was a Hollywood-style scene where I stood up and shouted to the Heavens that the fight wasn't over yet. By the following Journal entry in July, it was evident that I was in profound trouble.

- Al Handa
   August 4, 2023

On The Road With Al & Ivy Short Take: Great Chapters In Literature: Marcel Proust's Overture from "Swann's Way."

If you want an example of a writer that A.I. would find nearly impossible to duplicate, it would be Marcel Proust. The first chapter feels like he drew random thoughts or subjects out of a hat and then wrote a chapter that connected those in an interesting stream of consciousness that, as rambling as it might seem, gives the reader a clear sense of his personality. 

The opening "Overture" walks a thin line between flightiness and nailing the feat of putting on paper the moment-to-moment images and thoughts of a human mind.

Most psychological novels are highly structured, with well-constructed observations that are insightful, but it's not how the mind works as one's senses move from one stimulus to the next. Literature can be the product of input and reactions laid out and organized with reflection, observations, and context added later in the first written draft. 

That doesn't mean Proust didn't add reflective passages or philosophical observations to his book; it's just that he didn't write the chapter as a structured piece like Joyce's "Ulysses" (which was a different type of work even if both were psychological).

A man who sees a woman walk by isn't necessarily going to contemplate the complexities of the species' survival. He might add a meditative passage later in a WIP that adds detail to that brief glimpse, but that's not how our minds work in real-time.

My first reaction to this chapter was amazement at his imagination until I realized that it was an actual train of thought and not a virtuoso assembling of imagery. We're used to books that describe elaborate internal dialogues (which, of course, can happen in spurts in everyday life) but rarely one where the observations and thoughts are genuinely unfiltered. Proust may think differently, but his mind works pretty much like anyone else's.

His best quality, besides genius, is honesty. By that, I don't mean it's full of juicy confessions but that he's willing to be quite ordinary, following a path that includes the trivial and banal. As a result, the passages seem to have more life and vivacity, which is also a credit to the translator, C. K. Scott Moncrie.

It was very much a chapter written by a human being.


On The Road With Al & Ivy Mini-Blog: Thoughts about A.I. generated books.

I was reading an article about the flood of A.I.-generated books on Amazon K.U. and how those are reducing the KNEP payout for legitimate authors. One writer quoted an "expert" who said authors would leave in droves unless Amazon handles the situation.

No, they won't leave in droves.

Kindle Unlimited is an ecosystem that too many writers depend on for income and, just as important, the opportunity to get published works in front of an established audience. 

Until somebody comes along and gives authors the same market and access, K.U. is it, and it's better to root for Amazon to try to fix an unprecedented situation than just get all butt hurt and threaten to leave.

In my eyes, these stories are just part of the obsessive hype about A.I. which ignores the real issues that could kill off K.U. and make people leave; rampant piracy and plagiarism.

A.I.-generated books are, at least at the moment,  an automated form of plagiarism by people who would otherwise steal by other methods. Even the writers claiming it's just an experiment or exploring the new tech know that the algorithm gets its material by scraping published work. 

Those who claim it's just a new technology like the printing press aren't real artists. The printing press revolutionized distribution like the internet has, but you still had to compose a work.

There is a place for A.I. in writing, particularly in genres like nonfiction articles or news, where recycling and borrowing is standard practice. I've seen the same Beatles or Led Zeppelin articles for decades.

Also, news organizations specializing in quickly whipping up pieces on trending people and events will embrace A.I. if they haven't already. There'll be the problem of the tech being used to generate a flood of articles to manipulate trends, but that's only a concern for those who are discerning about their clickbait reading.

One thing that might eventually happen; A.I. bots will be required to generate a bibliography on any nonfiction work.

As far as novelists are concerned, A.I. will initially rip a lot of people off. The fact that Amazon can't control it isn't necessarily due to a lack of caring but because of the overwhelming number of people using bots to create instant books.

The problem of A.I. books will be an ongoing battle. Just right now, technology has shifted the balance of those manipulating the system. That won't last forever, though.

However, as long as society tolerates cheating and winning at all costs, the best that can be achieved is a reasonable level of deterrence.

I must add A.I. tech is being pushed downwards, not up. In other words, even the conflict between content providers and A.I. firms isn't about the individual contributors who often work for free. It's a fight between management teams who may not care if A.I. replaces people. 

There is nuance. A.I. will be like most tech innovations; people won't have much choice. It'll become a fact of life, so areas will evolve where it's an accepted tool. Since users won't have any sense of history, somebody will eventually publish a work that plagiarizes someone famous or who has the means to sue, which'll help move copyright law into the next era. Lawsuits probably create more change than legislators.

An author putting out an A.I. generated book might make money on it but will have to become a shadowy figure constantly changing identities to evade TOS enforcement.

I can't imagine a real writer would want that kind of literary career. For sure, some won't care as long as they make money, and in the United States, there'll be those who admire such unprincipled behavior.

Even a hundred years from now, a person who uses A I. to generate a whole book isn't going to be called an artist or writer. That title is still going to mean something even then.

On The Road With Al & Ivy: Excerpt from August 2020.

Note: I've begun editing a Vol. 2 of the Blog Compilation. This one will contain edited and revised versions of all of the literary essays on this blog site from around 2020 to the present. Here's a revised and edited intro to one about childhood.

Childhood is seen as a time of innocence, but kids often spend it lying, cheating, stealing, and inflicting pain on each other; while parents do their best to contain such impulses until adulthood when there's a time and place for everything. 

It's a time for learning about your place in the world. Look at any toy section, and it's evident that sexual roles are defined early on, and as our perception of the world becomes more mature, we realize the world seems to teach ideals and symbols but not reality. Living happily ever after becomes women doing the cooking on Super Bowl Sunday and men getting to fart anytime they want (which is oversimplifying for the sake of pacing, but within the minimum standard for truth on the Internet).

A child's world, created from curiosity and imagination, is often seen as a transitional phase before assuming the adult mantles of responsibility, conformity, and money-grubbing. Luckily, the grown-up world also teaches ambiguity and hypocrisy to help reconcile virtue and the real world.

If your sense of curiosity survives into adulthood, it becomes a search for truth, and any subsequent disillusionment is just a temporary phase in the discovery process. 

Studying history is the passion that guided my life's journey, from the shiny symbols of childhood to real life, from sacred truths to ambiguity.

It's not easy for children to conceptualize the idea of the past, which is filtered by adults deciding what's suitable for young minds. They avoid violent or erotic content (except in video games and cable TV) or explaining which political party is associated with Satan. Such matters are considered too advanced, so instead, we're taught about stuff like dinosaurs, a politically neutral subject that doesn't need to be taught with any accuracy.

That's as far as it went until I could at least read a comic book, which by fate was the old Classics Illustrated series, which transitioned my love of history into the world of literature, albeit with a lot of pictures and very little text.

The first inspirational book was Church's version of Homer for children. I checked it out so often from the school library that the librarian hid it to ensure others could enjoy it until she realized I was the only kid who read it.

I didn't check it out so often because the book was so good, but because, at first, I couldn't understand it. It was above my reading level. It was a process of enjoying the illustrations at first, then gradually being able to read them later. I realized that illiteracy locked the door to this exciting world, so improving my reading skills became a priority. 

I was eventually able to read three or four grades above my level. I could have cared less about it (as an achievement) except that it finally made old historical classics available to me and, with it, a fuller view of the world.

August 2020 Entry…

On The Road With Al & Ivy Mini Blog: Announcing The New Subscription Section on X

I'm happy to announce that the Subscriber Timeline on X is now running. As promised in the earlier announcement, I won't constantly pester everyone to buy a subscription, but a description is necessary.

The rate is set at .99 cents a month, which is paid through the Google Play store and Apple. The nice thing is that you can buy a monthly subscription or, if you like the content, stay on as a regular subscriber. It's up to you.

I hope and will deeply appreciate it if X users try it for at least a month or two and see if it's worth staying on. 

What delayed everything was I couldn't see what the Subscriber TL looked like until it was approved. Once I saw it, it was like the regular free stream of tweets in chronological order. Thinking about how the premium content could be loaded took a little time.

Rather than load all the material in at once, I've decided to tweet it at regular intervals with standard headings so it's obvious which are blog tweets and other stuff like the serial fiction. I intend to load new content at least five days a week.

As of now, it's mainly two features; the edited essays that will be in a future eBook "On The Road With Al & Ivy: The Literary Essays (2018-2020), and around four of my current Kindle Vella books, which can be published elsewhere as long as it's not free. The monthly fee makes it premium.

By August, there'll also be audio and video features loaded.

The Literary Essays will be from the Blog entries during the two years of 2018-2020. The original format was like a magazine, but such issues won't work as chapters like the current eBook On The Road With Al & Ivy Vol. 1. 

The Blog became eclectic, so it'll be more readable as discreet pieces and not huge 4500-word essays. Each entry has a clear title and description of the topic(s) covered.

The Vella Serial book chapters will be loaded regularly until each is complete. One reason for including these is that most who read the chapters preferred it not to be in Vella, and secondly, these stories were only available in the U.S. 

The latter is a big deal as some of my oldest Twitter friends are from overseas, and it was frustrating that they couldn't read my serials.

The initial serials will be "I, Ivy," "Queen Khleopahtra," and "Knee Deep In Glory" (which will be loaded best chapters first as it's not chronological).

I picked the three that were the least linear and were written in such a way that one could read the episodes out of order, like a regular situation comedy or cartoon.

I'll add more next month, but some of the serials will be taken off Vella and published for free in the regular Twitter timeline. Ones like "The Lost Gospels Of Murgahtroyd" and "Boogie Underground Think-Tank" were formerly regular blog features, so they are being made free again.

I'll post regular updates on what's being loaded into the subscription section, so if you don't subscribe now, maybe something will come up that'll make it worth trying it out.

I'm sure you've all seen how richer the content on my account has become after moving the On The Road With Al & Ivy blog here. That won't change. I want this account to be one everyone wants to follow and enjoy.

The Subscriber Section is an enhancement but also an attempt to make this feature-laden account sustainable, so I hope you'll try it.

Even if you don't, I'll appreciate all support via retweets and word of mouth.

Delta Snake Review

How To Find The Perfect Headphones - Part 1

Note: This is a revision of a Delta Snake Review Consumer Electronics series that ran this year.

Headphones come in all shapes and sizes now, so you might find it interesting to know the difference between “bone conducting, “over ear,” “helmet speaker,” “air buds,” and so on.

How To Find The Perfect Headphones - Part 1

Sample description: The right pair of headphones will enrich your musical listening experience and lead to endless rediscovery of heretofore buried joy in your beloved music collection.

As you can see, reviews aren't just reviews. You must consider who the writer is, what they know, their agenda, and from what personal experience the information comes from (if any).

This guide should be useful for finding the right pair of headphones. It may just cause more confusion, but if so, as a dedicated Blogger, you can trust that I'll feel bad about it and not remind people that there's a First Amendment.

I think the best way to present this with the least amount of words is as a step-by-step guide. 

Step One: Decide how much you want to spend. There's good stuff in every price range, so stick to your budget. 

The headphones companies just want your money and happily provide gear at every price tier, complete with experts saying it's "great for the price" or "an unbelievable value."  

For example, let's say your budget is ten dollars. No need to be embarrassed about such a small amount, even in America. My backpack spare is a cheap 15.00 set purchased during a Christmas Sale for 9.99.

A spare might be unnecessary if a two-hundred-dollar set gets lost or stolen. People rarely feel like popping in a cheap backup after such a loss. I would, but I'm a music nut.

Your spare should actually be the set taken outside, but there are compelling reasons for having premium cans on your ears while on the go.

That leads to Step Two: Get new headphones designed for the intended use or environment. If you're only going to listen at home while sitting in a chair, forget Bluetooth or any wireless. 

Wired headphones outperform wireless in every price range, and that's the only way to go in the recording studio.

The reason is that music is sorta kinda maybe analog information transferred to digital and has to travel a path to your earphones. A cable transmits the data best as it has the more bandwidth than a wireless signal. 

That said, let's say you want headphones for on-the-go activities; then wireless is an option. You'll give up some sound quality, but that happens once you leave the chair.

Street traffic sounds, for example, are in a frequency range that'll make the midrange and top end disappear and the music can sound tinny. In other words, outside sounds become part of the music.

You can sorta get around that by turning up the volume or wearing a tighter set (or earbuds that block more noise out), but overall music will still sound harsh or thin. That won’t be a problem with audiobooks, of course.

Street sounds can be overpowered by cranking up, the ear space mechanically isolated with tighter cans (the part over your ear), or electronically with noise canceling, but safety comes into play. You can become unaware of your surroundings.

But before you do step two, there's one major factor you have to consider: headphones are conduits that deliver the sound that hardware and software produce. 

If you don't look at that factor first, there's a chance you'll buy more headphone capability than you need. In fact, the right software can make your old headset sound like a more expensive model. 

It's not like the 90s; in 2023, even an inexpensive phone or mp3 player can deliver at least 75% of the desired sound quality if correctly set up. 

I'll cover that in part 2.


Thursday, June 22, 2023

On The Road With Al And Ivy: Cancel Culture And Witch Trials Part 1 - Introduction

“…in a very short time the Queen was in a furious passion, and went stamping about, and shouting ‘Off with his head!’ or ‘Off with her head!’ about once in a minute. Alice began to feel very uneasy: to be sure, she had not as yet had any dispute with the Queen, but she knew that it might happen any minute, ‘and then,’ thought she, ‘what would become of me? They’re dreadfully fond of beheading people here; the great wonder is, that there’s any one left alive!’”

-Lewis Carroll (Alice In Wonderland)

On The Road With Al & Ivy: Cancel Culture And Witch Trials—excerpt of Part 1.

My treatment of the subject of Cancel Culture and Witch Trials will be in the realm of occasionally satiric literary meditation or social commentary. 

As a result, I'll try to walk the fine line between observation and conclusion and try to stay on the main point that these two subjects result from a root cause.

I've read opinions on the subject and feel that most are true. Canceling occurs in various situations, and in my mind, it shows that it's a basic principle that is a very adaptable weapon.

This introduction was part of a series of essays planned for a Kindle Vella nonfiction eBook but will instead be presented as an ongoing series for free. There's a risk that some of the pieces could be taken out of context or misinterpreted, but that could happen even if it came out as a completed work.

I'll write and publish the serial in real-time as each section, episode, or chapter is written. I'll listen carefully to any feedback but will evolve the serial online.

I chose to put it on the "On The Road With Al & Ivy" blog site as it's the most suitable place for this work due to the subject's controversial nature. It's being launched here with an excerpt, and those interested can read the rest on the blog.

I'm going to enjoy exploring the subject as an ongoing serial work and hope you will also.

Cancel Culture And Witch Trials - Part 1: Introduction

Even the humblest earthworm contributes to the intricate perfection of our celestial oasis, spinning about in the spectacular confetti of bits and pieces of matter that humankind calls the Heavens, Universe, Void, or future territories for the commercial exploitation of minerals. 

Even more enticing, the absence of Aboriginal inhabitants

allows intrepid explorers to mark off territories to fight future wars over without the expense and complications of ripping off or killing previous landowners who may hinder the natural process of commerce.

The simple earthworm is an unheralded foot soldier who helps aerate the soil which grows so many of life's necessities to nourish the burgeoning masses of humankind.

The relentless multiplication of the near hairless descendants of apes creates overpopulation that nasty microbes, sharks, poisonous snakes, bison in Yosemite, 99% of the species in Australia, and Tik Tok dares have failed to bring under control, thus creating the necessity for humans to assist in Nature's quest for balance by unaliving each other in bulk using special tools like automatic weapons, tanks, and explosives.

Unfortunately, the average person is helpless to assist Nature as culling the excess population is only allowed in State-sanctioned warfare to increase wealth or political gain.

Put simply, other than behaving like author Lewis Carroll's Red Queen towards service sector workers or engaging in snobbery, the Powers That Be have made sure that the only way to obliterate or cancel other human beings is through quasi-legal legal or social systems. 

It doesn't solve the population problem but does confirm our status as a superior species that doesn't require the necessity of survival to kill, main, rob, cheat or pay too much money for everything.

Sure, one can act like a High School weenie and get everyone to hate or abuse somebody, but it doesn't produce the tingling feeling one gets when the object of disgust or hatred has been stripped of dignity or means of making an income.

I return to the seemingly insignificant earthworm in this intricate essay and direct the reader to the fact that despite its usefulness to humanity, its small size and position in the food chain make it fair game for anyone who wants to kick ass. 

If people treasured the little tykes as super cute expensive pets or regarded them as the sacred manifestation of higher beings whose appeasement would bring luck, then that would limit the abuse to routine commercial exploitation. Still, the current interpretation of natural law places the squiggly little thing at the bottom of life's hierarchy and thus subject to the whims of those above it.

So, in regards to canceling culture and its subsidiary activities like witch trials, bullying, Housing Associations, Puritanism, single-issue politics, gossip media, racism, and making sure people feel guilty, the basic principle of cancel culture is to lower the target's status to the point where any Tom, Dick, or Harriette can finish the job by engaging in any of the activities mentioned above that would usually be considered obnoxious unless directed towards females (except where prohibited by law or company employee policy).

In other words, it doesn't matter if the target is woke, anti-woke, liberal, or Conservative. In a textbook canceling, the victim is exposed to attack or punishment. How the resulting attack occurs isn't particularly important and can be done in various ways.

In the case of a witch trial, the point is to create the perception that a person, most often a woman, is a danger to society. In many cases, those on trial were mentally ill or were considered "Karens" so fear or anger could help fuel the mob sensibility. In the case of a culture that requires a trial for extreme punishment, prejudices, hearsay, gossip, unvetted expert testimony, hatred, and displaced anger are substituted for standard evidence, and the proceedings become a parody of the judicial system that also shows contempt for a process that hinders the righteous.

A popular perception is that it's an ignorant or superstitious mob at work, and that's partially true. However, it also reeks of intellectual snobbery or manipulation of historical facts to serve an agenda.

The fact is a witch trial wasn't any one thing; it could have a lot of factors in play, not simply sexism or religion. It also involves power, manipulation, and sociopathic behavior by people in power or seeking it. It involves ambitions and impulses that are part of basic human behavior that's never changed and are still present.

Witch trials and canceling have never gone away. What's changed, and will keep changing, is the definition or the perception of what a witch is.

Coming in Part 2: A survey of various types of witch trials.


I’ll be pulling this ebook off Kindle Unlimited sometime this month and will resume free distribution on other sites. The main reason, besides shifting the focus to wider readership is that this Anthology will come out as a revised version sometime this year. I’ve obtained most of the social media posts from this period and will insert edited versions into the book in chronological order. This adds the day to day observations and activities which will add continuity and many of the blog entries will make more sense in context. Also, I’ll add new commentary to make this volume feel like a chronological account of the period. Until then, it makes sense to make this version free to increase interest in the new edition.


Here's info on some of my Vella books:

The Quitters

I, Ivy

The Forbidden Lost Gospels Of Murgatroyde

The Boogie Underground Think Tank: How To Survive The End Of Civilization

The Adventures Of Queen Khleopahtra: Ruler Of Egypt, Time Traveler, and Literary Detective

Please check out and listen to my music on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music and other music sites. Please add any cuts you like to your playlists!